Day 9. Tue. 01/14/25 Prayer and Fasting focus

1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the multitudes you gathered into our services and for the renewal of strength,  the testimonies, miracles, encounters and for answers to all our prayers to date, both as a commission and as individuals; To you be all the glory in the name of Jesus. Father by the operation of the Holy Spirit compel greater multitudes into our services today and let no one leave the same way they came in the name of Jesus. - Ps.118:1; Acts 2:2; Heb.4:16;

2. Father in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh grace for growing my faith, for delightful obedience, for soul winning, for consistency in kingdom advancement prayers and for sacrificial giving in the name of Jesus. Heb.4:16;

3. Father in the name of Jesus, Glorify Jesus with notable and undeniable miracles, signs and wonders in all our services  that will turn whole cities unto You and to this church in salvation and discipleship this year in the name of Jesus. Acts 4:16; 9:35;

4. Father in the name of Jesus, We frustrate every device of the enemy to hinder our continuous drive and hunger for the knowledge of God's word, prayers, soul winning and fellowship addiction this year and beyond in the name of Jesus; Holy Spirit baptize each one of us with the grace to accept spiritual responsibility in the name of Jesus. Job 5:12; Acts 6:4

5. Father in the name of Jesus, We destroy every territorial force resisting the growth, global spread and expansion of shilohttop in any city or nation of the world; Lord Jesus, build your church Shilohttop numerically, spiritually, administratively, financially to global heights and influence this year in the name of Jesus. Zech.9:10; Matt.16:18

6. Father in the name of Jesus, We bind and cast out the spirit of infirmity, sickness and death from gaining access to genuine worshippers of Shilohttop through any means this year and beyond; we establish divine health and longevity for all worshippers in the name of Jesus. Heb.2:14;

7. Father in the name of Jesus, perfect all that concerns, the businesses, careers, academic pursuits, visas, green cards, marital destinies, and lives of every member of this church and those related and connected in the name of Jesus. Ps.238:8a; Jn.14:13

8. Father in the name of Jesus, let every spirit of fear, and all forms of negativity the devil is using to  keep me and my family from rising in life and destiny be arrested and terminated out of our lives today; baptize us with the spirit of boldness and courage in the name of Jesus. 2Tim.1:7; Josh.1:7;

9. Father in the name of Jesus, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end in my life, family and that of every member of this church today and disappoint both their devices and enterprises in the name of Jesus. Ps.7:9; Job 5:12

10. Father in the name of Jesus,  let every plan of the devil to hinder Pastor David Okumgba from enjoying global relevance and impact be frustrated and terminated today in the name of Jesus; let his global impact and relevance be multiplied and felt in all parts of the world in the name of Jesus. Jn.12:19; Ps.19:3;

Prophetic Declaration
As the Lord lives, before this prayer and fasting period is over your story shall be rewritten for good; before this month is over your supernatural  lifting and enthronement, shall manifest speedily;  light shall be downloaded into your life to obliterate every iota of darkness in your life; every agenda of affliction, destruction, disaster, calamity or retrogression programmed for you and your family in 2025 is hereby frustrated; Every pattern or cycle of affliction, pain, trouble or evil that had operated in your life and family  prior to 2025, is hereby terminated today and forbidden to rise again for ever; any witch responsible for your stagnation, any wizard behind your frustration  perishes on your behalf today; no one shall see the hand of the wicked upon your life and family anymore; any area of your life held down by the devil is released today; arise and possess your possessions in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! Good morning and have a fabulous day!

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