Tuesday 06/06/23 Prayer Focus

1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the multitudes you brought to our church service on Sunday; Please release your reaper angels to gather  a greater multitude into Todays Bible Study and cause the livestream to go viral; Grant everyone connecting to the service today an encounter with your word and let no one leave the service with any unfulfilled expectations in the name of Jesus. Ps.92:1-2; 1Sam.3:21

2. Father in the name of Jesus, baptize me and every member of this church with your burden for our families, friends, colleagues, churches and communities; let compassion and zeal for the lost consume the heart of every believer and compel each one of us to pursue the lost until they are saved and discipled in the name of Jesus. Mk.16:15;  2 Pet.3:9; 1Tim.2:1-4

3. Father in the name of Jesus, Please do not allow anyone on my street to Go to Hell; Please do not allow any of my classmates or school mates to go to hell; please do not allow any of my colleagues or acquaintances at work to go to hell; please do not allow anyone in my social orbit to go to hell; Please do not allow any of my friends, my family and my love ones to go to hell; please do not allow anyone who has crossed my path to go to hell; Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit open their eyes to the gospel and save them in the name of Jesus. 2 Pet.3:9; 1Tim.2:1-4;

4. Father in the name of Jesus, open doors of utterance and opportunities to share the gospel into our families. Communities, nations and closed people groups of the world; reveal to us and all laborers in the harvest fields of the world the right strategy to reach each family, each village, each nation and each people groups; let the hearts of those who encounter the gospel be open and receptive to the gospel; let the hearts of political leaders and governments be receptive to the work of evangelism and missions and deliver our spiritual laborers from those opposed to the gospel in the name of Jesus. Eph.6:19; Rom.15:30-31; 2Cor.7:2; 1Cor.16:9;

5. Father in the name of Jesus, multiply the capacity and unction on Christian media, television stations, gospel recordings, Christian movies, Christian radio, Christian publishing and online activities to penetrate and impact the lives of men and women with the gospel across the world; multiply the capacity and unction of medical, relief and social missions to impact lives and communities across the world with the love of Christ; prosper the work amongst immigrants, refugees and displaced persons across the world; enhance the capacity and unction of bible translators, Bible colleges  and Christian training institutions to meet the demand for spiritual laborers and bible translations across the world in the name of Jesus.  Ps.68:11; Isa.52:7;

6. Father in the name of Jesus revive us again, let the Holy Spirit sweep across our neighborhoods and communities, with the spirit of conviction and conversion thereby bringing multitudes to the Kingdom this year; let the word of God prevail in our churches, neighborhoods and communities, compelling  the purposes of God in the lives of men and women across the nations; let the power of the Holy Ghost dominate our churches and communities with signs wonders  and notable miracles and let the knowledge of the glory of the Lord cover our families, our churches, our communities, our nations and the earth like the waters cover the sea in the mighty name of Jesus. John 16:8; Hab.3:2; Ps.85:6; Acts 19:20

7. Father in the name of Jesus, let your tangible presence saturate all worship services in all the churches across the nations that are truly commissioned by you; let every church that is struggling to fulfill their mandate be rescued by the power of the Holy Spirit; let every limitation on the growth and development of every bona-fide church across the nations be terminated today; Father turn each church across the nations into solution centers and cities of refuge in their communities thereby attracting multitudes into the church;   Lord build your church spiritually, numerically and financially according to your word and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church  in the name of Jesus.Eph.5:27; John 15:8; Jer.30:19-21; Matt.6:33

Prophetic Declaration
As the Lord lives, Heaven will not rest until you are blessed this week; until your character shines through; until your victory is undeniable; until no one can mock your again; until your enemies are compelled to celebrate you; until you are filled with joy unspeakable; until rivers of living waters are flowing out of your belly to impact your community; until every bondage and captivity in your life is permanently terminated; until your healing breaks forth; until every trace of the hand of the devil upon your life and family disappears; until no symptom of any curse or negative cycle in your life can be found; until your passion is furiously ignited for the kingdom; until the word of God becomes like fire in your bones such that you cannot keep silent; until you come into your wealthy place: until your glorious destiny is restored; until your praise and thanksgiving overflows; until you become an enviable blessing to your generation in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen!
Good morning and have an enviable day!

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