What God Hates About Money; Bible Study With Pastor David Okumgba - 02.11.25
Shiloh Bible Study 02/11/25
What God Hates About Money
Pastor David Okumgba
2025, The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
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What God Hates About Money Eccl.10:19; 3Jn.2; 1Tim.6:6-10; Lk.18:24-30; Rev.21:21;
There is a misconception that Money and wealth are worldly. That cannot be true because according to the scriptures heaven is a symbol of affluence. Its streets are paved with God, its buildings are mansions and its gates are made of precious stones. In fact wealth is more heavenly than earthly. There is no poverty in heaven. Therefore poverty is more earthly and worldly than wealth. Learn more