Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay Pt. 2; Friday Fire Service With Pastor David Okumgba - 02.21.25
Shiloh Fire Service 02/21/25
Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay Pt. 2
Pastor David Okumgba
2025 The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
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Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay Pt. 2. Gen.1:27-28; Gal.4:1; Prov.10:22; 31:10-31; Gen.24:13-19
He that finds a wife not a girl not a woman not a nurse, not a teacher, not a career professional but he that finds a wife finds a good thing. Therefor be a wife material. Be a husband material. If you are a wife or a husband will you marry you? Look at yourself in the mirror. You must invest in developing the character, attitude and skills that will make you invaluable to a potential spouse.