Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay Pt. 1; Friday Fire Service With Pastor David Okumgba - 02.14.25

Feb 14, 2025    Pastor David Okumgba

Shiloh Fire Service 02/14/25

Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay Pt. 1

Pastor David Okumgba

2025 The Year of My Isaac

Shiloh Tabernacle Houston

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Breaking the Yoke of Marital Delay Pt. 1. Gen.1:27-28; Gen.2:18; Prov.18:22; Ps.68:6; Isa.34:16

By the mandate of creation no young woman or young man should struggle to be married. He made them male and female, that means for every men there is a woman and for every woman there is a man. If you are struggling to get married when you are due then there are forces of marital delay at work and these forces have to be addressed. Because behind anything that is not working, there is a force at work. So what do I do to break the yoke of marital delay… Learn more