Praise for Supernatural Supply: Sunday Service With Pastor David Okumgba - 02.23.25
Thanksgiving Sunday 02/23/25
Praise for Supernatural Supply
Testimony and Thanksgiving
Pastor David Okumgba
2025 The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
Facebook / YouTube/Instagram @shilohttop @davidokumgba
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#2025theyearofmyisaac #praiseforsupernaturalsupply #thanksgiving #testimony #worship #gratitude #provisions #adoration #glorify #blesshisname #wisdom #exaltation #wordofgod #lovegod #magnify #socialsolutionmindset #meditation #bible #study #wealthtransfer
Praise for Supernatural Supply. Ps.67:5-7; 1Thess.5:18; Ps.100:4; Php.4:6; Jn.6:11-13
From my study I have discovered that one of the master keys for anything you want in God is Praise and thanksgiving. There is nothing that Praise and thanksgiving cannot deliver… Learn more