Celebrating God Thru Testimony; Sunday Service with Pastor David Okumgba - 02.02.25
Sunday Service 02/02/25
Celebrating God Thru Testimony
Communion of Celebration
Pastor David Okumgba
2025 The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
Facebook / YouTube/Instagram @shilohttop @davidokumgba
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Celebrating God Thru Testimonies. Rev.12:11; Ps.119:99; 119:111; Jas.1:17; 119:46
To testify is to become a vocal and visible eyewitness to the goodness, greatness and faithfulness of God. Testimonies power faith, bring God glory, preserve your miracle, teach the word with practical applications and carry the spirit of prophecy. Every genuine testimony you hear or read is a prophetic release for instant manifestation if you believe and connect with the God of that testimony… Learn more