Soul-Ties, Spells and Enchantments: Day 12-21 Day Fast With Pastor David Okumgba - 01.17.25

Jan 31, 2025    Pastor David Okumgba

The Year of My Isaac Fast - Day 12 - 01/17/25 REBROADCAST

 Soul-Ties, Spells and Enchantments.

Pastor David Okumgba

2025 The Year of My Isaac

Shiloh Tabernacle Houston

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 Soul-Ties, Spells and Enchantments. 1Sam.18:1; 1Cor.6:16-20; Lev. 19:28; Lev.19:26; Heb.4:12; Num.23:23

Spells and Enchantments, are demonic webs, clouds or weights cast over the lives or destinies of persons through powerful pronouncements and incantations. They allow demons of limitations, disfavor and spiritual parasites to cleave to people like leaches, hang around them, cast shadows on their lives and try to hinder the blessings of God in the life of the victims. These demons intrude into your spiritual space and place a lid over the entrance of blessings or act as leakage for spiritual strength and vitality....Learn more