Destroying Demonic Altars.: Day 16-21 Day Fast With Pastor David Okumgba - 01.21.25
The Year of My Isaac Fast - Day 10 - 01/21/25
Destroying Demonic Altars.
Pastor David Okumgba
2025 The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
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Destroying Demonic Altars. Jdg.6:25-27; Eph.6:12; Ex.34:13; Dan.10:12-13; Gen.28:11-22
Although Gideon had a life changing encounter with the Lord, yet his ministry and destiny could not advance until he pulled down the demonic altars in his father's house. There are many believers whose lives and destinies have been stagnated and limited because they have failed to confront and pull down the demonic altars fighting their destinies in their fathers house, their neighborhoods, communities and territories.. Learn more