How to Make your Fasting Work: Day 3- 21 Day Fast With Pastor David Okumgba - 01.08.25
The Year of My Isaac Fast - Day 3 - 01/08/25
How to Make your Fasting Work
Pastor David Okumgba
2025 The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
Facebook @shillohttop
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How to make your fasting work. 2Chron.27:6; Isa.58:6-7; Jas.1:6-7; Matt.6:16-18; Deut.28:1-2
To Participate in this spiritual exercise
Abstain from food from 6am to 6pm or according to your faith.
Join us each evening except Saturdays and Sundays at 7pm CST for prayers and the communion to close the fast. There will be no services on Saturdays during the fast and on Sundays we meet for our virtual Sunday service at 10.30am and our in-person Service at 12.30pm CST. All these services shall be streaming live on our Social Media Pages.
Engage with the daily prayer points posted on our WhatsApp page, Facebook page - @shilohttop @davidokumgba, on our church app, and on our website