Taking Delivery of Your Isaac Pt. 2: Sunday Service With Pastor David Okumgba - 02.16.25
Sunday Service 02/16/25
Taking Delivery of Your Isaac Pt. 2.
Oil of Beautification Anointing Service
Pastor David Okumgba
2025 The Year of My Isaac
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
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Taking Delivery of Your Isaac Pt. 2.. Jn.8:39; Rom.4:20; Gen.15:1-21; Gen.17:15-18; Eph.3:20
Abraham had unwavering faith. You too must have unwavering faith to take delivery of your Isaac. However Abraham did not begin with unwavering faith. He built his faith to unwavering levels over time. If you read the scriptures carefully there were many times when Abraham exhibited doubt. What did he do to overcome his doubts… learn more