Tuesday 08/01/23 Prayer Focus
1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the privilege of crossing over into a new month. Thank you for all the miracles, signs, wonders, breakthroughs and answers to prayers from the beginning of this year. To you be all the glory in Jesus name. Ps.103:1-5;
2. Father in the name of Jesus, this month I demand for your kingdom to come and your will to be done in our lives, families, church, communities and our nation; Let the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord cover the earth like the waters cover the sea in the name of Jesus. Matt.6:9-10; Hab.2:14;
3. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, help me and every member of this church to make You, O Lord and the interest of your kingdom, our first consideration in all our choices, decisions and allocations. Matt.6:33;
4. Father in the name of Jesus, this month endue me and every member of this church with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You that each one of us may understand how to serve you acceptably and profitably. Eph.1:17; Jam.1:5; Deut.29:29;
5. Father in the Name of Jesus, set a guard over my mouth this month, do not allow me to use my mouth to subvert my miracle; Lord, set a guard over the mouth of every member of this church this month, do not allow us to use our mouths to scuttle our victory in Jesus name. Ps.141:3; 1Cor.10:10; Php.2:14; Num.14:29; Isa.6:5-7;
6. Father in the name of Jesus, this month bring order to any area of my life and family that is out of order; let every lawlessness and recklessness of the devil towards me, my family, our church and our nation be terminated in the name of Jesus. Isa.9:7; 44:7; Lk.10:19; Matt.16:19;
7. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, plant me, settle me and establish me, in your word and your church so my fruitfulness and flourishing will be multiplied to bring you greater glory in Jesus name. Jn.15:7-8; Ps.92;12-14;
8. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, lead me to my wealthy place, teach me how to profit, and empower me with divine ideas and secrets that will make me stand out and attract good success in Jesus name. Isa.45:1-3; 48:17,21; Job 29:4; Ps.66:12;
9. Father in the name of Jesus, let every member of this church experience higher dimensions of spiritual growth this month, resulting in supernatural breakthroughs and enthronements in all areas of life. - Gal.4:1; 3Jn.1:2;
10. Father in the name of Jesus, let every blessings and supplies you have loaded into this month for me, my family, for this church and her members, be delivered without delay and without any struggle in Jesus name. -Ps.68:19; Rev.12:11
11. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, let every demonic, witchcraft and ancestral altar speaking against me, my family and any member of this church catch fire today in the name of Jesus. Isa.54:17; Ps.11:6;
12. Father in the name of Jesus I command this month to open up unto me, my family and every member of this church; I command this month to answer unto me, my family and every member of this church; I command this month to favor me, my family and every member of this church; I command this month to yield her strength and resources unto me, my family and every member of this church in the name of Jesus. Isa.45:11; Rev.3:7-8; Ps.24:7-8
Prophetic Declaration
As the Lord lives this month shall be unto you a month of new beginnings because 8 represents new beginning; 8 people were saved on Noah's Ark and given a new beginning; therefore old things are passing away; some old nagging issues will permanently disappear from your life; some negative weights shall just fall off your life like rotten fruit; all things are becoming New for you; the old slate has been wiped clean; they shall not count against you anymore; they have lost the power to drag you back any longer; you can press the reset button and start all over again on a fresh page with fresh grace in the name of Jesus; this month shall be for you a month of renewal; everything that is worn out, run down or broken down in your life and family shall receive new life, new vigor and new freshness; the 8th day actually begins a new sequence of the seven-day week; therefore new chapters shall open up in your life; new giftings, graces, directions, ideas and opportunities shall be activated this month; new visions or new dimensions of old visions shall be conceived and birthed this month; because each new sequence of the 7 day week is numerically higher than the previous sequence, you shall shift to higher levels supernaturally this month; the promotion and elevation you have been stretching to receive shall fall into your lap; your path this month shall shine brighter and brighter unto a perfect day in the name of Jesus; scripturally circumcisions are performed on the 8th day; therefore everything covering your potential is blown away in this 8th month; the cloak of carnality that had inhibited your spiritually and sabotaged your glorious manifestation shall be cut off this month in the name of Jesus; the number 8 also represents the Lord Jesus Christ, because the numerical value of His name in Greek totals 888. Jesus was given this name on the 8th day of His life: therefore no new beginning can be successful without Jesus Christ; He is Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end; the first and the last; any beginning you start with Jesus will end brilliantly and triumphantly in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! Good morning and have a splendid month! Prov.4:18; 2Pet.2:5
2. Father in the name of Jesus, this month I demand for your kingdom to come and your will to be done in our lives, families, church, communities and our nation; Let the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord cover the earth like the waters cover the sea in the name of Jesus. Matt.6:9-10; Hab.2:14;
3. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, help me and every member of this church to make You, O Lord and the interest of your kingdom, our first consideration in all our choices, decisions and allocations. Matt.6:33;
4. Father in the name of Jesus, this month endue me and every member of this church with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You that each one of us may understand how to serve you acceptably and profitably. Eph.1:17; Jam.1:5; Deut.29:29;
5. Father in the Name of Jesus, set a guard over my mouth this month, do not allow me to use my mouth to subvert my miracle; Lord, set a guard over the mouth of every member of this church this month, do not allow us to use our mouths to scuttle our victory in Jesus name. Ps.141:3; 1Cor.10:10; Php.2:14; Num.14:29; Isa.6:5-7;
6. Father in the name of Jesus, this month bring order to any area of my life and family that is out of order; let every lawlessness and recklessness of the devil towards me, my family, our church and our nation be terminated in the name of Jesus. Isa.9:7; 44:7; Lk.10:19; Matt.16:19;
7. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, plant me, settle me and establish me, in your word and your church so my fruitfulness and flourishing will be multiplied to bring you greater glory in Jesus name. Jn.15:7-8; Ps.92;12-14;
8. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, lead me to my wealthy place, teach me how to profit, and empower me with divine ideas and secrets that will make me stand out and attract good success in Jesus name. Isa.45:1-3; 48:17,21; Job 29:4; Ps.66:12;
9. Father in the name of Jesus, let every member of this church experience higher dimensions of spiritual growth this month, resulting in supernatural breakthroughs and enthronements in all areas of life. - Gal.4:1; 3Jn.1:2;
10. Father in the name of Jesus, let every blessings and supplies you have loaded into this month for me, my family, for this church and her members, be delivered without delay and without any struggle in Jesus name. -Ps.68:19; Rev.12:11
11. Father in the name of Jesus, this month, let every demonic, witchcraft and ancestral altar speaking against me, my family and any member of this church catch fire today in the name of Jesus. Isa.54:17; Ps.11:6;
12. Father in the name of Jesus I command this month to open up unto me, my family and every member of this church; I command this month to answer unto me, my family and every member of this church; I command this month to favor me, my family and every member of this church; I command this month to yield her strength and resources unto me, my family and every member of this church in the name of Jesus. Isa.45:11; Rev.3:7-8; Ps.24:7-8
Prophetic Declaration
As the Lord lives this month shall be unto you a month of new beginnings because 8 represents new beginning; 8 people were saved on Noah's Ark and given a new beginning; therefore old things are passing away; some old nagging issues will permanently disappear from your life; some negative weights shall just fall off your life like rotten fruit; all things are becoming New for you; the old slate has been wiped clean; they shall not count against you anymore; they have lost the power to drag you back any longer; you can press the reset button and start all over again on a fresh page with fresh grace in the name of Jesus; this month shall be for you a month of renewal; everything that is worn out, run down or broken down in your life and family shall receive new life, new vigor and new freshness; the 8th day actually begins a new sequence of the seven-day week; therefore new chapters shall open up in your life; new giftings, graces, directions, ideas and opportunities shall be activated this month; new visions or new dimensions of old visions shall be conceived and birthed this month; because each new sequence of the 7 day week is numerically higher than the previous sequence, you shall shift to higher levels supernaturally this month; the promotion and elevation you have been stretching to receive shall fall into your lap; your path this month shall shine brighter and brighter unto a perfect day in the name of Jesus; scripturally circumcisions are performed on the 8th day; therefore everything covering your potential is blown away in this 8th month; the cloak of carnality that had inhibited your spiritually and sabotaged your glorious manifestation shall be cut off this month in the name of Jesus; the number 8 also represents the Lord Jesus Christ, because the numerical value of His name in Greek totals 888. Jesus was given this name on the 8th day of His life: therefore no new beginning can be successful without Jesus Christ; He is Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end; the first and the last; any beginning you start with Jesus will end brilliantly and triumphantly in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! Good morning and have a splendid month! Prov.4:18; 2Pet.2:5
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